The Official USC Regalia is available to purchase for Doctoral and Ph.D. degrees ONLY. This includes the gown, hood, tam with tassel. The deadline to purchase regalia is Monday, March 12th, 2018 in order to receive it for the 2018 Commencement. Any order placed after this date is not guaranteed to arrive on time for the 2018 Commencement.
- Doctoral Gown
- Doctoral Hood
- Master Gown
- Master Hood
- Bachelor Gown
- Bachelor Hood
- Mortar Board with Tassel
- Doctoral Black Tam
- Gold Silk Tassel
- Metallic Gold Bullion Tassel
To purchase regalia, simply download the order form and return the completed order form to the USC Bookstore department or fax at (213) 740-9038.
Order form in downloadable PDF format.
The following is a link for a printable tape measure.
If you need help on how to measure for the regalia, please click here for more information.
Please fill out the customer information at the top right of the form. You may leave the “Cost Summary of Order” box blank.
Bachelor's Regalia
- Order Description:
- Please checkmark "Peachskin" only.
- Gown:
- Please checkmark "Bachelor".
- For no additional cost, you may put your initials on the neck of your gown.
- Hood:
- Cap:
- Under "Bachlor/Master" checkmark "Motarboard Cap” and “Rayon Tassel".
- Tassel color should be indicated as BLACK.
Master's Regalia
- Order Description: Please checkmark "Peachskin" only.
- Gown:
- Please checkmark "Master".
- For no additional cost, you may put your initials on the neck of your gown.
- Hood:
- Please checkmark "Master".
- Write the name of your degree.
- We will have the color listing for all degree types, so you may leave the “Velvet degree color preferred” blank.
- Cap:
- Under "Bachlor/Master" checkmark "Motarboard Cap” and “Rayon Tassel".
- Tassel color should be indicated as BLACK.
Doctoral Regalia
- Order Description:
- Please checkmark “USC rouge” for the standard USC Doctoral regalia used at USC commencement ceremonies.
- If you wish to purchase your regalia in black, please checkmark “Peachskin” only.
- Gown:
- Please checkmark "Doctoral".
- For no additional cost, you may put your initials on the neck of your gown.
- Hood:
- Please checkmark "Doctoral".
- Write the name of your degree.
- We will have the color listing for all degree types, so you may leave the “Velvet degree color preferred” blank.
- Cap:
- Doctoral Tam: Please checkmark “Rouge Velvet” or “Black Velvet”.
- Tam Tassel: Please checkmark “Gold Silk” or “Metallic Gold Bullion”.
- If you are buying a gown, hood, and cap/tam: Please give ALL of the information requested.
- If you are buying a hood only: You do not need to fill out this part.
- If you are buying a cap or tam only: Please provide your cap size ONLY.
For any additional questions, please call the Grad products hotline (213) 740-8997 or email