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USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology

Founded in 1975, the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology is the oldest and largest school of its type in the world. We offer the most comprehensive selection of gerontology degree programs found anywhere, a variety of outstanding research opportunities and a challenging yet supportive academic environment.

As a small school rooted in a world-class research university located in the heart of one of the most important cities on earth, the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology—and its research and services arm, the Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center—are home to today’s leaders in the field, as well as to tomorrow’s.

Our program studies the human lifespan by exploring the biological, psychological, sociological, political, medical and business dimensions of adult life. The curriculum is aimed at equipping future professionals in the field of aging with the specific skills and knowledge necessary to respond effectively to the needs of an aging population.

With a distinguished faculty representing various disciplines, the School is able to offer students a wide range of scientific and professional gerontology courses.